A FATHER went on hunger strike in a desperate attempt to make his daughter attend school.

The man and his wife faced a possible prison sentence when they appeared at Hartlepool Magistrates' Court.

They were charged with failing to ensure their daughter attended her school, in Hartlepool, but walked free after justices heard of the extreme measures they took to secure her attendance.

The prosecution against the couple was brought by Hartlepool Borough Council.

The court heard how the girl's father deprived himself of food and told his daughter he would continue not to eat unless she went to school.

However, the only reason she returned to classes was when she learnt her parents had the threat of a prison sentence hanging over them, the court was told.

Chairman of the magistrates Peter Heron gave the couple a 12-month conditional discharge and ordered that they pay £150 costs each.

A spokesman for Hartlepool council said: "Taking action through the courts is very much a last resort. We have a number of measures in place where we talk with pupils and their parents to make sure they attend school.

"However, this case is demonstrative that the council will take action through the courts if it feels parents are not doing enough to ensure their children attend school."

* The Northern Echo has chosen not to name the couple to protect the child's identity.