Darlington Mind has won £76,662 from the National Lottery's Community Fund for a scheme to make education and training more accessible to people with mental health problems.

The charity has also received funding from Durham University's charity committee to pilot a 12-week anger management course.

VOLUNTEERS WANTED: A mediation service is looking for volunteers in the Darlington area to join its neighbour dispute resolution scheme. Unite will provide training to volunteers. Contact Darlington Volunteer Bureau on (01325) 266888 for details.

CARNIVAL DAY: A carnival is being staged on Darlington's Firthmoor estate on Saturday, July 12, from 11am to 3pm. Anyone interested in running a stall can call Kristina Pryor on (01325) 254641.

EQUIPMENT OFFER: A lockable computer work station is being offered free by Darlington Community Voluntary Service to any voluntary group which wants to keep its equipment secure. The service also has staging blocks to make a 6m x 3m stage to give to a group in the voluntary sector, and a Knitmaster 700. For details call (01325) 266888.

FLOWER CLUB: The next meeting of Darlington Flower Club will be on Wednesday, July 2, at 2pm, in St Cuthbert's Church centre in the Market Square. After the meeting, the Mayoress of Darlington, Margaret Lewis, who is a club member, will be holding an at home event.

CONCERT DATES: Sedgefield's Lyric Singers will give concerts in Sedgefield Parish Hall at 7.30pm on Friday, July 11, and Saturday, July 12. Darlington Clarine Ensemble will also perform. Tickets are available from Selections in Sedgefield High Street, from choir members, or from Audrey Lofthouse on (01740) 620625.

GALA EVENT: A car boot sale will be held as part of the Spennymoor Annual Gala on Saturday, July 5, in Jubilee Park, from 10am. To book a seller's space for £7, not to include food or drink, call (01388) 813856. All money raised will go towards a trip for local pensioners.

COLLEGE COURSES: Young people and adults considering A-Level and GCSE courses are invited to an open evening at Bishop Auckland College on July 3, from 7pm to 9pm.

ANNUAL MEETING: The Cockerton and Branksome Living Enterprise group in Darlington will hold its annual meeting on Thursday, in Mount Pleasant School, at 6pm.

JUMBLE SALE: A jumble sale will be held in St Columba's Church hall, in Clifton Avenue, Darlington, on Friday, July 4. The event starts at 6.30pm.

COFFEE EVENING: St James the Great Church, Albert Hill, Darlington, will be holding a coffee evening on Tuesday, July 8.