PEACE protesters told of their disgust after vandals daubed racist slogans over their vintage van.

Thea Khamis and Ben Byrne, who live in the Stanley area, are backing the international Boycott Israeli Goods campaign, in protest at Israel's treatment of the Palestinians.

The couple's vintage red Mercedes van is usually covered in slogans backing the campaign and calling for an end to ethnic cleansing. But on Saturday night, racists struck and trashed the van, daubing it with insulting lines such as 'Saddam Lovers.'

Thea, who is half Palestinian, said: "Both number plates were taken, the fog lamps smashed and chucked underneath, the spot lamps bent over and the windscreen wipers removed completely - not just the blades.

"Graffiti was scrawled all over it, including the windows. On the windscreen it was in well-executed mirror writing. It was certainly not the work of passing drunks or casual vandals.

"We have had some BNP-type graffiti before, but nothing of this nature. It was upsetting because it was obviously premeditated. Somebody followed us home to do this."

The couple, who are long-standing supporters of Durham County Palestine Solidarity Campaign and their van have been a fixture of the Durham Miners' Gala for more than 20 years, where they have raised cash to send medical aid to Palestine.

Durham Police confirmed officers have recorded the attack as a racist incident.

Thea said: "As campaigners for Palestinian rights, we often have to explain that it is the actions of the Israeli state that we oppose, not the Jewish religion. The Israelis will not tolerate protest at their brutal actions, and their supporters here are also keen to stifle the truth, but Ben and I are determined to keep trying to raise awareness of what is going on in the Occupied Territories.

"We will not be put off by these cowardly racists."

The couple hope to get their van back on the road as soon as possible.