THE following cases were considered by South Durham magistrates sitting in Darlington yesterday:

DRIVER BANNED: Derek Philip Thomas, 57, of Castle View, Whitton-le-Wear, was fined £600, banned from driving for three years, and ordered to pay £60 costs after he admitted drink-driving, driving without an appropriate licence and without insurance.

THEFT CHARGE: Juliet Ellen Mitchell, 27, of Eskdale Street, Darlington, appeared before the court accused of stealing washing powder and ten packs of bacon from Bells Stores. The case was adjourned until July 8.

ASSAULT DENIED: David Joseph Hall, 20, of Highfield Road, Darlington, denied assaulting Kailey Devonport on May 5. He was remanded on bail until July 29.

POLICE ASSAULT: Lisa Marie Richardson, 35, of Belvedere Road, Darlington, admitted assaulting PC Georgina Lewis, who was on duty at Darlington police station. She was ordered to pay £50 compensation and £60 costs.

ASSAULT CLAIM: Amanda Victoria Kelly, 41, of Minors Crescent, Darlington, appeared charged with assaulting an educational welfare officer and using threatening behaviour. The case was adjourned until July 8.

SCREWDRIVER CHARGE: Paul Alan Humphreys, 18, of Littlebeck Drive, Darlington, denied carrying a screwdriver with the intention of burgling a house. He was remanded on bail until July 29.

DRINK-DRIVER: Nicholas Hayman, 21, of Helmsley Moor Way, Darlington, was banned from driving for two years, fined £175, ordered to pay £60 costs and given eight penalty points on his licence after he admitted drink-driving, and having no insurance or valid licence.

CASE ADJOURNED: Nikki Christopher O'Shea appeared charged with drink-driving, having no insurance, no licence and no test certificate. He was remanded on bail until July 8.

DRUGS CHARGES: Gary Chapman, 30, of Salisbury Terrace, Darlington, appeared accused of possessing 41 Ecstasy tablets, a quantity of cocaine and 5.5g of cannibis, with intent to supply. He was remanded on bail and will appear again on July 8.