A COFFEE shop boasting beautiful woodland scenery has been opened in Middlesbrough.

Bill Gould, chairman of Teesside Hospice Care Foundation, opened the shop, at Arcadia Garden Centre, in Stokesly Road, Newby, yesterday.

It will offer visitors a chance to recharge their batteries with a brew while enjoying excellent panoramic views

A garden centre building is being planned and should be open by the autumn.

Arcadia has been a corporate partner of Teesside Hospice for the past two years and has signed a pledge to continue its support for the next five years.

Margaret Kent, business development manager for the hospice, said: "We are extremely grateful to Arcadia for their support and delighted that any tips made on the coffee shop's first day will come toward the hospice."

Arcadia managing director Mike Birch said the ongoing development at the site will secure staff jobs.