A BOOK shop owner found herself hiring minders, in preparation for a midnight party for Potter fans.

At 12.01pm on Saturday morning, the first copies of JK Rowling's latest installment, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, exchanged hands at the Bookcase book shop in Chester-le-Street.

The store had opened just after 10.30pm on Friday, when children and their families began filing into the store dressed in witches and wizard outfits, pyjamas, slippers and dressing gowns.

Children and their families wanting to get their next Harry Potter fix, threaded their way through the throng of drinkers heading for one of Front Street's many bars.

For the first time, shop owner Eileen Smith hired three security men to guard the doors to her shop.

Buskers turned up to entertain the crowds and sweets and drinks were on offer for youngsters.

But it was business as usual the following day. Eileen said: "This is my first midnight launch, I must admit, but it was business as usual the next day."