FIVE artistic youngsters have won a design competition.

The pupils, from schools across the region, were picked from hundreds of entries to have their T-shirt designs turned into the real thing.

The competition was opened during School Walking Week last year, and more recently, five designs were chosen that best summed-up what children love about walking.

The judges' favourite designs included the messages "A Walk a day is the Healthy Way" and "Whatever the Weather, Walk Together".

The five winning prints were made into T-shirts by North Yorkshire County Council's school travel awareness team and presented by outgoing chairman David Ashton as one of his final duties as chairman of the county council.

"It was wonderful to meet these delightful children," said Councillor Ashton, "and interesting to hear how they themselves will often prefer to walk rather than go by car.

"They clearly enjoy the social side of walking and appreciate the health benefits. But above all, they think it is fun, even, or perhaps especially, when it is raining."