HUNDREDS of call centre job and training opportunities are on offer at a fair.

The event will be held at Peterlee Leisure Centre, on Thursday, July 10, from 10am to 3pm.

Organised by Jobcentre Plus, Easington Action Team for Jobs and Easington District Council, it will be attended by employers from Peterlee's Bracken Hill Business Park including npower and EDS.

Visitors can find out about job vacancies and will be told about local training opportunities to gain the skills required for the sector.

Susan Moses, recruitment consultant for Durham district JobCentre Plus, said: "Over the coming months, there will be hundreds of vacancies at Bracken Hill Business Park.

"With excellent career prospects and flexible working hours to suit individual circumstances, there's sure to be something for anyone looking for a career in the call centre sector."

Starting salaries range from £10,000 to £13,000, and full and part-time positions, ranging from help desk operators to customer service advisers, will be on offer.

Jobseekers can also ring 0191-554 4441 to find out how to apply for posts or receive related training.