A YOUTHFUL bride tied the knot with her miniature groom at a mock wedding this week.

St Mary Magdalene Church, in Belmont, Durham, was the venue for the nuptials of Tom and Jan, alias five-year-olds Caitlin Owston and Oliver Stockdale.

Surrounded by their classmates from Cheveley Park Primary School, the pair played the starring roles in the pretend ceremony, conducted by the vicar, the Reverend Robert Innes.

Parents were invited as guests, and all the youngsters joined in with the vows.

The bride was dressed in a cream and gold gown with a veil and bouquet, while the groom wore traditional tails.

They exchanged jelly rings, and were attended by classmates acting as bridesmaids, a best man, ushers and parents.

The wedding was organised as part of religious lessons at Cheveley Park.

Reception class teacher Anne Brass said it was a huge success.

"The children prepared for it for two weeks, making lists, invitations and little ID's showing who they were and what their jobs were," she said.

"The parents were fantastic - they really joined in and came with their hats and suits and video cameras.

"Oliver's grandmother came from Skegness because she said she might not be around for his real wedding."

Mrs Brass said the only hiccup came when the vicar asked if there were any objections to the marriage.

"The groom put his hand up and said, 'I'm not 16'," she said.

"A few of them also put their hands up and shouted, 'We're only children.'"