THE carnival season was in full swing at the weekend as the sun shone for Darlington's 21st annual community carnival.

The carnival, which ran throughout the weekend, incorporated a parade with floats bearing a European theme, including a 12-ft long wedge of cheese pulled by a team of giant mice to represent Switzerland.

On Saturday, Darlington Mayor Councillor Ron Lewis started the parade of floats through the town from the Arts Centre in Vane Terrace.

A charity fair, bouncy castle and a Punch and Judy show entertained visitors in Stanhope Park on Saturday afternoon, before Eric and the Vikings performed in the Arts Centre ballroom.

Yesterday, events moved to the Market Square, with stalls selling local produce, a mini fairground, balloon modelling, face painting and circus skills.

Four bands, Woof, Fude, Last Chance Texaco and Sky Babies, provided music during the afternoon.

Free workshops run by professional artists have been held with community groups and schools in the run-up to the event to help them produce the many colourful costumes, masks and sculptures for the parade.

Former young offenders also got involved in the carnival spirit , as part of a reparation scheme, by making sculptures and items for the floats.

Eight of the youths took part in producing the artwork as part of the Youth Offending and Community Safety Service scheme, which aims to encourage offenders to give something back to the community and learn new skills.

Proceeds from the carnival will go to Darlington Association on Disability.