A CHARITY golf tournament has been organised to help children with diabetes.

The inaugural Mayor of Great Aycliffe Charity Golf Tournament will be played at Oak Leaf golf course, Newton Aycliffe, on Thursday, September 18.

Proceeds from the event, in aid of Mayor of Great Aycliffe Malcolm Iveson's charity for the year, will be used to buy insulin pumps initially for children being treated at Bishop Auckland General Hospital.

The pumps remove the need for injections, which some children have to administer several times a day.

The system also offers more precise control of blood-sugar levels and a lower risk of long-term complications.

The criteria for obtaining a pump through health authorities is very strict and each unit costs £2,000.

Councillor Iveson wants to buy as many insulin pumps as possible during his year in office.

The tournament has been organised by Councillor Alan Courtney. It is open to teams of four and costs £130 per team, including dinner at the Cumby Arms in Heighington.

If the tournament is a success, Coun Courtney hopes it will become an annual event.

To enter the competition, contact Christine Ryder on (01325) 300700.