A TEENAGE violinist from the North-East has won through to the next stage of a music competition.

Steven Proctor, 17, of Hartlepool, has reached the regional quarter final of BBC Young Musician of the Year.

He is the leader of the English Martyrs School and Sixth Form Orchestra in Hartlepool.

"It is a real privilege but it was unexpected so it was a nice surprise," said Steven.

"I don't know what it is I like about the violin. I suppose it is the sound it makes and there is a great amount of repertoire for it, so there are a lot of possibilities to play."

For the competition Steven played a 15-minute programme, including pieces of music by Debussy, Kreisler and Sarasati.

On Saturdays he travels to Northern Royal College of Music in Manchester for extra training and hopes to study music further after his A-levels.

He also plays in the National Youth Orchestra.

Conductor and musical director Andrea Boynton at the school said she was looking for sponsors to help buy Steven a £7,000 violin to help him further his musical career.

Anyone who can help can call her on (01429) 273 790.