A CHOCAHOLIC dog which will do anything for a tasty treat is in need of a good home.

Tess, an 18-month-old Staffordshire bull terrier, loves Penguins, Kit-Kats, Breakaways, in fact, any kind of chocolate biscuit.

She will perform almost any trick to get her paws on her favourite snack.

The animal is a much loved family pet, but her owners are moving abroad and have asked staff at the National Animal Sanctuary Support League (NASSL) to find her a new home.

Tess lives with a family in Darlington and has been vaccinated and micro-chipped.

The good-natured dog would be ideal for a family.

Pauline Wilson, of NASSL, said: "She'll turn herself inside out if you even mention the word chocolate.

"She literally plays dead, she sits and begs, she will roll over, go backwards and forwards, anything."

Mrs Wilson said Tess's owners were reluctant to leave her behind, but had little choice. They will move in about three weeks.

She said: "The family is emigrating and they weighed up the pros and cons about taking the dog, but unfortunately they are not able to and they have asked us if we can help.

"They are quite devastated about it. They have a 14-year-old boy and he is distraught.

"Tess is good with other dogs, she is good with children, and she is a really outgoing family pet who has never been a scrap of bother.

"They are very popular little dogs. They have got this reputation of being feisty, but they are very happy and the Kennel Club rates them as one of the best family dogs you can have."

To give Tess a home, call Mrs Wilson on (01325) 321855.