A BRAVE woman will be putting on her running shoes for charity tomorrow - days after returning home from hospital having had her second mastectomy.

Jean Williams, 55, has made a remarkable recovery after having her second breast removed nine days ago and feels confident ahead of a 5km run in her home town of Harrogate, North Yorkshire.

Mrs Williams said: "I will complete it - I'm in no doubt about that - even if my friends have to carry me."

Mrs Williams was diagnosed with breast cancer five years ago, had a mastectomy and underwent a long course of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

"That part of my life will never go away. It was devastating for my family. I remember as soon as the doctor said 'cancer' I thought 'I'm going to die' and wondered how I would tell my son," she said.

"We got through it and I had reconstructive surgery. In April, I was due to have my left breast downsized so they were both the same when doctors told me I had developed cancer in it.

"I was so disappointed. I had thought it was all over and that life was back to normal."

Mrs Williams had her second mastectomy on July 4 and came out of hospital nine days ago. Despite the discomfort, she is determined to compete in the Race for Life event and raise money for Cancer Research.

"I have to give something back. I have had a lot out of the system - two operations and reconstructive surgery - I really owe them and it's my way of saying thank you," she said.

She has already raised £1,000 and will have the support of her husband, Alan, son Spencer Cassidy and daughter-in-law Tamzin on the day.