Flamborough Sports Club Trust are pleased to announce they are holding a summer gala on the Village Green in Flamborough on Sunday.

Amongst the attractions will be a parachute display by the British Sky Sports Team from Grindale, love music and karaoke, tug of war competition, hog roast and BBQ, beer tent, craft marquee organised by Ruth Lee of Coastal Crafts, bouncy castle, martial arts demos and much more.

Highlight of the event is sure to be the generation game style sword dance organised by Richard Traves who will be giving visitors the chance to try their hand at Flamborough's musical tradition.

Sports Club Trust Chairman Craig Readhead said: "After the huge success of last years jubilee gala, Flamborough residents and tourists alike kept asking if the village was doing the same thing this year. The Sports Club stepped in, and the money raised will go towards a grant for new sporting facilities in the village.

"The old pavilion is in a bad state of disrepair and the tennis club required three courts to compete in the Driffield and District Lean Tennis League, at present they only have two which are badly in need of upgrading.

"The plan is to build a brand new pavilion incorporating the cricket, tennis and football clubs upgrading of the existing tennis courts, a new tennis court which will double up as a five-a-side football pitch and basket ball court and there will be a new undersoil drainage for the football pitch. "

Proceedings get underway at 11am car parking is available at the cricket field on Lighthouse Road and entrance to the gala itself is free of charge.