A GROUP of young adventurers who went on the trip of a lifetime to Mongolia were given a helping hand by a car dealership based in their area.

Northallerton Peugeot dealership Simon Bailes Limited gave each of the eight teenagers £100 towards the cost of the excursion in return for a day of litter-picking and cleaning in the town centre.

The 15 to 18-year-olds have just returned to North Yorkshire after spending ten days at the Blue Sky Camp, in Mongolia with 200 other youngsters from Mongolia, Afghanistan, Spain and Denmark

They volunteered to take part in the trip to learn more about the country and Mongolian culture.

During the visit, they met nomadic families, hiked and camped and learned traditional sports, including archery, wrestling and horse riding, at which the tribesmen excel.

Emma Casson, an environmental youth worker at Northallerton College who helped organise the trip, said it had been the ultimate cultural experience for the youngsters.

She said: "I would like to thank all of our supporters, including Simon Bailes, for their fantastic generosity."