A LEADING North-East poet is preparing to tell the story of the life and times of a legendary County Durham figure.

Using poetry and narrative, Keith Armstrong is to give a presentation of the story of the Polish born Count Joseph Boruwlaski who spent his latter years in Durham and is buried in the cathedral.

The show which will be staged in Durham County Council's Clayport Library, in Durham City, on September 10, will be based on the diminutive count's memoirs, with poems and lyrics specially written by Mr Armstrong.

Count Boruwlaski, who was only 3ft 2in, was born in 1739 and died in 1837. His clothes and violin case are displayed at Durham Town Hall.

Newcastle-born Mr Armstrong, is co-ordinator of the Northern Voices creative writing and community publishing project, which specialises in recording the experiences of people in the North- East.

He is also the organiser of many community arts festivals and literary events and was founder of Tyneside Street Press, Strong Words and the Durham Voices community publishing series.

He has recently compiled and edited books about the Durham Miners' Gala and the former mining communities in the county.

Mr Armstrong is studying for a doctorate at the University of Durham about the work of Newcastle writer Jack Common.

Tickets for the show, which starts at 7.30pm, cost £2 and are available from the Clayport Library on 0191-384 2214.