A STUDENT out celebrating his A-level results nearly lost an eye when a drinker threw a beer glass in his face.

The 18-year-old, who is not being named, had been out drinking with other students in Darlington town centre on Thursday evening to celebrate his exam results.

He was sitting on a wall in the beer garden at Club 2K, in Beaumont Street, at about 1.50am when someone threw a pint glass which hit him full in the face.

The student was taken to Darlington Memorial Hospital where he had to undergo emergency surgery and see an eye consultant.

PC Andy Bustin, of Darlington police, said: "This was a random act of violence. Somebody from the crowd maliciously threw a pint glass at him which hit him full in the face.

"It was touch and go whether he was going to lose an eye. It scratched his eyeball which has caused him massive discomfort and he is concerned about scarring."

PC Bustin said the teenager had been out celebrating but had only had one pint.

Anybody with information is asked to call police on (01325) 467681 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.