MORE businesses are joining the fight against one of Sunderland's biggest killers.

Each year 630 people in the city die from smoking-related diseases and many more suffer chronic illness.

But businesses are increasingly banning the habit from their premises or introducing smoke-free areas.

In the past year, 20 have stopped smoking on site and on Tuesday another 130 will receive awards from the city council when it launches its fourth guide to smoke-free places.

Dr Judy Thomas, Sunderland's director of public health, said: "Smoking is the biggest cause of preventable death in Sunderland, as in the rest of the UK. The rates for smoking and smoking-related diseases and deaths are high in Sunderland compared to the rest of England.

Council environmental health officer Norma Johnston said: "The Smoke Free Air Guide has really taken off since we launched it four years ago and we're delighted with its increasing popularity.

"More and more cafes, pubs and restaurants are either banning smoking altogether or offering smoke-free areas.

"This guide is designed to help people who don't want their health affected or who simply do not want to be irritated by other people's smoke.''