PLANS for the £90,000 redevelopment of a play area in Seaton Carew will be discussed by councillors on Friday.

Earlier this year, a survey by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents was carried out on all playgrounds in the Hartlepool area.

It found items in Seaton Park that failed the new European standards because of their age.

Although the play equipment is not illegal, the survey has prompted councillors to consider modernisation.

Some £60,000 has being earmarked with Hartlepool Borough Council allocating a capital budget of £30,000 towards a new play area.

A report to the town management portfolio decision schedule, said: "It is important to note a total project budget of £90,000 will not provide for a comprehensive play facility.

"Unless further funding can be found, the resources are proposed to be focused on provision of toddler and junior equipment and would be unlikely to be sufficient to accommodate significant provision for teenagers."

If the plan is agreed a play equipment contractor will be selected and consultation will take place.