RESIDENTS in Hartlepool are to be given the chance to find out more about plans to breathe new life into historic gardens in the town at a meeting later this week.

Draft proposals for regenerating the Burn Valley Gardens will be unveiled at the meeting at 1pm, on Friday, at the Municipal Buildings, in Church Square.

The plans have been drawn up by consultants Banks of the Wear, which were appointed by the Burn Valley Gardens Rejuvenation Consortium to spearhead efforts to regenerate the area.

The consortium, which is backed by the Hartlepool New Deal for Communities (NDC) regeneration programme, has already successfully applied for a Doorstep Green grant.

This is National Lottery money that is distributed through the New Opportunities Fund and administered by the Countryside Agency.

It is intended to use the consultants' plans as the basis for bidding for further Doorstep Green money in the future.

Anyone with an interest in the Burn Valley Gardens is welcome to attend Friday's meeting. Further information is available from Richard Harland on (01429) 284124.