CRAFT FAIR: The Biddick Arts Centre is hosting an Arts and Crafts Fair, from 10am to 4pm, next Saturday. There will be free parking and entry to the event.

PLAY OF THE HEART: Dark Heart is being staged by the Washington Theatre Group at 7.30pm today, with a 2pm matinee performance, in the Biddick Arts Centre.

NEW TECHNOLOGY: The Asda supermarket, in the Galleries, is now surrounded by a magnetic field which prevents shoppers moving trolleys from the site by locking the wheels. The system is designed to save the company money and prevent trolleys being dumped.

COFFEE MORNINGS: St Andrew's Church, at Concord, is holding a coffee morning in aid of the Touch Appeal, for people who are visually impaired, from 10am to 11.30am today.

TOP BAND: Nothing To Declare, a band from Washington, have reached the finals of a National Battle of the Bands contest.

COMMUNITY SAFETY: The Washington Police and Community Forum meets at 7pm on Tuesday, October 7, in Blackfell Primary School.

DEFENCE CLASSES: Self defence classes for six to 14 year olds are held from 6pm to 7pm, followed by adult classes from 7pm to 8pm, on Tuesdays, in George Washington Primary School. More details are available by contacting 0191-538 0689.

RESIDENTS MEET: New members are wanted by the recently-formed Lambton Residents Association, which is meeting on Wednesday, October 15, in Lambton Sheltered Housing. Further information is available on 0191-431 9303.

FOLK NIGHT: Dave Boulting and Jeff Parton are presenting His Worship and the Pig for the Davy Lamp Folk Club at 7pm tonight in the Biddick Arts Centre.

BUSINESS FORUM: The Washington Business Forum is going to the dog track at Regal Sunderland Stadium on Wednesday. Booking is on 0191-416 3040.

QUIZ NIGHT: The Biddick Club holds a general knowledge quiz at 9pm on Tuesdays.

FAMILY FUN: The Springwell Village Hall is holding a family fun night, from 7pm to 11pm, next Saturday, in the lounge.

AMERICAN MOURNER: The September 11 Remembrance Service held in Washington Old Hall was attended by Marie Fletcher, of Georgia, who has been living in Easington Colliery for the last three years.

TICKLED PINK: MP Joyce Quinn attended the launch of the Tickled Pink Campaign at the Asda RDC depot when hundreds of balloons were released. Staff held an Its A Knockout Competition, which raised £2,000 towards the appeal.

SAFETY PROBLEMS: Springwell residents have launched a petition protesting over the siting of speed humps and a zebra crossing which they said were in the wrong position and posed a danger.