ORGANISATIONS far and wide took part in the World's Biggest Coffee Morning yesterday.

And staff from energy company npower, which supports the Macmillan Cancer Relief charity through its Health Through Warmth scheme, led the way.

Workers tucked into cakes and played biscuit bowls when they visited Arthur's Hill Clinic in Newcastle as the North-East played its part in the national fund-raising event.

In Durham City, the Women's Forum held its event in Durham Town Hall, while nearby, Durham County Council's Clayport Library held another.

In Pennywell, Sunderland, the Keelman's Centre invited members of the community to join in the fundraising with a warming drink.

The community centre is in Quarry View Primary School and has a library, computer suite, studios and meeting rooms.

St Oswald's Church, in Grindon, Sunderland, held a coffee morning as did the Co-op Funeral Services, off Newcastle Road in Chester-le-Street.

Last year, The World's Biggest Coffee Morning raised more than £3.2m.

This year, organisers are hoping to top that by reaching £3.5m.

The money will go towards information and counselling centres, specialist Macmillan medical staff, buildings for cancer treatment and care and grants for patients in financial difficulties.