BUDDING athletics star Samantha Coleby is even more determined to become a success, after being inspired by one of her heroines.

The teenager, from Newton Hall, near Durham City, has made it on to the England Schools athletics programme, following in the footsteps of Teesside-born runner and Commonwealth Games silver medal winner Allison Curbishley.

Samantha, 13, a year nine pupil at Framwellgate School, near Durham, met Allison this week .

"It was great, I got lots of tips from her," said Samantha.

"She told us to keep going and that if you believe in yourself, you will get there. It was really inspiring.

"I even got to hold her silver medal - I have definitely got my eye on one of those for myself in years to come."

She met Allison at a ceremony to celebrate North East schools that are leading a drive to keep children fit and healthy.

Pupils and teachers from 60 schools were honoured at Sport England's Activemark Awards and Sportsmark awards, held this week at Kingston Park, home of Newcastle Falcons Rugby Club.

The awards are given to schools that offer pupils the opportunity to take part in fun, physical activities both within curriculum time and out of school hours.

Sport England aims to get 70 per cent of the population physically active five times a week by 2020.

Claire Jones, the agency's senior development manager, said: "Schools are key in getting young people involved in sport because if we can get people when they're young, they tend to stay involved as an adult."