REPRESENTATIVES from Tyneside will attend a conference in Barcelona this week to progress plans for the Tall Ships' Race 2005.

Newcastle-Gateshead formed a partnership with the three other European cities hosting the race - Waterford, Cherbourg and Fredrikstad - when they visited the North-East last month.

Publicity teams decided to work together after meeting in Gdynia, Poland, one of the legs of this year's Tall Ships' Race.

Newcastle-Gateshead will be the only UK port taking part.

The teams will come together again when they attend the Sail Training International Conference, in the Spanish city, to put the strategy in motion.

Newcastle City Council's Tall Ships manager, Phil Payne, said: "Tall Ships' race captains want to see countries working together to create a summer of sailing which will be an unforgettable experience for everyone involved.

"Working hand in hand with our counterparts around Europe will help us ensure that when the Tall Ships arrive in NewcastleGateshead they'll enjoy a trulyworld-class event."