CAROLYN Corfield's rather saucy torso ceramics have another showing in Darlington at the Pizza Express in Skinnergate.

Her wall-hung figurative sculpture exhibition, Reflections, opens on Sunday and runs until January 17. It is the second time the restaurant has exhibited some of her work.

At the same time, the Zelli Gallery in Dover Street, London, is showing some of her pieces and she been shortlisted for the Zelli Porcelain Award.

Her distinctive sculpture, collectively known as Breastplates and Derrires, was first seen in Darlington, where she lives and has her studio, at a joint show at the arts centre in 2001.

Now in her mid-fifties, she became interested in sculpting in her twenties and regularly exhibits at galleries throughout Britain.

Inspired by ancient statuary and lost civilisations, legends and mythology, her images in porcelain and stoneware range from understated black and white to the opulent, burnished finishes created by the raku method of firing.

"The pieces I create are intended to be echoes from past ages, often fired and glazed several times to build an encrustation of history," she said.

Her aim is to make people connect and dream as they view the objects in a contemplative way - while waiting, perhaps, for their pizzas to arrive!