A STUDENT at Egglescliffe School has been named as principal percussionist with the National Youth Orchestra.

Danny Allinson, 17, began percussion lessons with Tim Plaice, a teacher with the Tees Valley Music Service, at the age of 11 when he attended Our Lady and St Bede's School, Stockton.

A member of the Stockton Percussion Group and the Tees Valley Youth Orchestra, Danny still receives lessons from Mr Plaice.

This is the third consecutive year he has been chosen for the National Youth Orchestra.

David Kendall, manager of the Tees Valley Music Service, said: "We are all delighted for Danny. He's a very talented and committed student who really has made the most of the excellent tuition he has received from Tim.

"Becoming section principal for the National Youth Orchestra is an outstanding achievement and his success at this level will be a great inspiration to his friends.