A STUDENT earned £25 and her school £100 after designing a poster promoting local democracy.

Chloe Severs, 13, of Hurworth School Maths and Computing College, won a competition run by Darlington Borough Council.

The council asked all of the town's secondary schools to create posters to mark Local Democracy Week.

Hurworth's teacher in charge of citizenship, Lindsay Burn, encouraged her students to enter the competition.

Chloe's poster was judged to be the best, and Darlington Mayor Councillor Ron Lewis visited the school yesterday to present Chloe with her prize.

The aim of democracy week, held last month, was to help pupils learn more about what the council does for them locally and fit that into a national picture.

Members of the council's democratic services and youth participation teams visited a number of secondary schools throughout the week to take part in assemblies and workshops.

Youth Centres across the borough were also invited to take part in helping to promote the week by holding events and activities involving young people.