PENSIONER Nancy Fell was inspired to deck her halls with a bit more than holly three years ago - thanks to The Northern Echo.

She was inspired by the paper's Ho Ho Homes decoration competition and since then the 73-year-old has become an avid collector of all things which glitter and shine.

Her collection has turned her house, in Scorton, North Yorkshire, into an attraction in itself in the run-up to Christmas.

"I do it mostly for myself as I just love it," she said. "But it's great to watch the children who come to see the lights. Even passing cars slow down so the occupants can have a proper look."

Nancy normally starts work on her illuminations during early November as it can take some time to get them all working.

She reckons to have spent about £500 to date on a display which includes Santa on a sleigh, singing snowmen and lanterns around the roof line.

"I'm a bit of an impulse buyer," she said. "If I see something that I like, I've got to have it."