Durham travelled to York last weekend to take part in the Small Boats Head.

The event is held over a 3km course on the river Ouse through the centre of the city, and runs over three divisions. Each boat is timed on the course and the fastest time of all three divisions is declared the category event winner.

A frosty 6.30am start from Durham saw the boats arrive for the start of the first division with excellent racing conditions. The club and came away with wins from the following events: MJ15 quad (D Howie, J Preston, D Moore, A Turner, cox: C Howie), VD4+ (M Tyler, R Metcalfe, P Stanley, M Stevens, cox: C. Tully), MJ18 1x (P Walton), WS4 4+ ( E. Hepple, K. Tidd, B. Lippe, C. Higgins, cox: C. Tully).

The end of a long, if cold day was a success for the club, with many excellent rows from the other crews.

The club is preparing for the final main regatta of our year, the Rutherford Head, on the river Tyne, which takes place on December 6.

* www.durham-arc.org.uk