STUDENTS and staff at Woodham Community Technology College, Newton Aycliffe, have celebrated examination successes at a presentation evening.

Headteacher Steven Harness paid tribute to the entire GCSE year group, saying: "The year group of 2003 have a special place in my affection. They have always been open, honest, loyal and a credit to Woodham."

He said: "The examination period in June this year was a particularly difficult time and our young men and women showed their true strength of character."

Awards for academic achievement and effort went to:

Emma Curran (art); Allyn McCormack (drama); Rebecca Mardula (English language); Timothy Walker (English literature); Lindsay Melvin (geography); Alice Gleave (history); Carly Price (history); Timothy Gardner (information technology); Elizabeth Blythe (information technology GNVQ); Nathan Dodds (mathematics); Bradley Askew (media studies); Kurt Scott (modern foreign languages - French); Tara Whitworth (modern foreign languages - German); Hannah Underwood (music); Sarah Scott (physical education); Scott Roscher (physical education); Michaela Horner (religious education); Lee Atkinson (science dual award); Gayle Etherington (science single award); Christopher McGrath (technology electronics); Janine Christie (technology graphics); Sarah Tumelty (technology resistant materials); Kieron Walker (work related).

The Governors' Prize for outstanding academic achievement: Carly Price for 14 A* grades, plus a half GCSE in short-course RE at A*.

High Achievement Awards to those gaining ten or more GCSE A*-C grades: Daniel O'Connor, Cheryl Armstrong, Bradley Askew, Christopher O'Neil Ethan Askew, Carly Price, Sarah Buist, Kurt Scott, Paul Butt, Sarah Scott, Victoria Carter, Carl Slater, Janine Christie, Jordan Smith, Alice Gleave, David Strongman, Andrew Griffiths, Sophie Turner, Sarah Knox, Hannah Underwood, Emma Lawrence, Tara Whitworth, Rebecca Mardula, David Williams, James Mudd.

Technology College Silver Awards: Ethan Askew, Lindsay Melvin, Victoria Carter, David Strongman, Stacey-Jo Green, Sarah Tumelty, Christopher Jones, Hannah Underwood, Christopher Kerr and Tara Whitworth.