CHRISTMAS shoppers have been warned to be on their guard against thieves.

So far this year, Middlesbrough has seen a 40 per cent reduction in thefts from cars compared to last year.

Sergeant Glynn Bass, the town's crime prevention officer, said: "We want that trend to continue and for everyone to have a happy Christmas. Don't let the thieves spoil it by giving them the chance of easy pickings."

Cleveland Police are launching a seasonal crime prevention campaign, which includes a 10ft trailer with a warning to motorists not to leave thieves with easy pickings by having expensive gifts on show.

"They want their Christmas presents for nothing and unfortunately many motorists seem happy to oblige," said Sgt Bass.

"The one-time security of a locked boot no longer applies today. These people don't care how much damage they cause in attacking your car. It only takes seconds to smash a window or force a boot lock.

"Our message is to make two or three trips if necessary, don't leave any valuables in your vehicle."

Anyone wanting free crime prevention advice can contract the police on (01642) 303171 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or the Middlesbrough Police Confidential Crimeline on 0800 964282, if they have any information about car crime.