YOUNG singers and dancers will be in the spotlight at a concert next week.

Year Six pupils from Bloemfontein Primary School, in Craghead, near Stanley, are taking part in Forging the Future, an arts education initiative involving schools across Chester-le-Street and Derwentside.

The youngsters spent the term improving their musical talents with a professional vocal coach and choreographer from Consett music co-operative Northern Recording.

They are performing a concert in Craghead Village Hall, on Monday.

Bloemfontein headteacher Mike Peaker said: "This has been a terrifically exciting term for all the children. They have worked hard and have enjoyed every minute.

"The whole school is proud of what they have achieved, and we are delighted that we can share that achievement with the rest of the community through a concert in our village hall.

"We hope that everyone will come along, enjoy the show, and give the children the big round of applause that they deserve."

The concert begins at 2.45pm and admission is free. For further details, contact the school on (01207) 232198.