YOUNG rugby stars at Barnard Castle School will be watching what they eat this Christmas as they prepare to fight for a place in the quarter-finals of a national competition.

Members of the under-15 and under-18 teams at the school are in strict training in preparation for their big games.

The under-18s side will be competing for a place in the quarter-finals of the Daily Mail competition at the beginning of next term.

They will host the crucial match at Barnard Castle, on January 21, against Bradford Grammar School.

The school's Under-15s team are also still in the competition and are awaiting the date of their next fixture.

"They have been given training programmes to do over the Christmas holidays to keep their fitness up for the big games," said the school's rugby master, Martin Pepper.

Last year, the Under-18s were pipped at the post in the final of the competition at Twickenham, going down to Oakham School, from Leicestershire, by 30 points to 28 points.

Rugby has never been so popular at Barnard Castle School, with youngsters hoping to follow in the footsteps of old boys including former England stars Rob Andrew, now director of sport at Newcastle Falcons, and the Underwood brothers, Rory and Tony.