ATTEMPTS to create a nature reserve in Darlington have taken an important step forward.

A steering committee has been set up by people in the Neasham Road area, who are working with Darlington Borough Council to improve Geneva Wood.

The eight hectare wood lies alongside the East Coast Main Line, on the opposite side of Neasham Road to the nearby Reynolds Arena.

Planted 20 years ago, it was formerly railway sidings and has since developed into a wildlife haven.

Today, it is home to sparrowhawks, great spotted woodpeckers, goldcrests and coal tits, as well as foxes, roe deer and a variety of plants.

The steering group hopes that this year, the area can be officially designated as a Local Nature Reserve under the English Nature scheme set up to increase the protection for urban sites.

Philip Roxby, the borough council's local nature reserves officer, whose post is funded by English Nature, said: "It is an important site because it is one of the few blocks of woodland in Darlington.

"These sites are special urban features. They are not manicured, they are wild, and they give people a sense of the countryside amid the hustle and bustle of towns."

Steering committee member Greta Coates, of Brankin Road, which is not far from the wood, said: "People do care about the Geneva Wood site and there has been an interest for a lot of years."

Fellow committee member John Griffiths, whose home at Railway Cottages, off Neasham Road, is metres from the edge of the wood, said: "We are working with the council to create something interesting for people.

"Our vision is to be able to link public rights of way throughout areas of woodland in the town, including Geneva Wood, so that people can walk between them."

There are now more than 20 committee members, who will be working with the council's countryside section to improve the site and thin out some of the trees.

The goal is to provide a greater diversity of habitat and encourage a greater diversity of wildflowers.

One of their main challenges will be to tackle fly-tipping and illegal use of the area by motorcyclists.