BROTHEL boss John Middleton did not conceal the fact that massages and girls were available to willing clients.

The former double-glazing shop owner advertised on the side of a caravan on the A1, near Thirsk, North Yorkshire, which also doubled as a brothel.

Brightly coloured signs displayed outside his Darlington sex shop told potential clients that massages were available in rooms above the premises, which could be accessed via a side door.

His blatant advertising methods were frowned on by many of the town's residents, who disapproved of the Pleasure Zone shop display featuring kinky underwear and sex toys.

By the time of Middleton's arrest in February last year, it was a well-known secret among the town's drinkers that it was not only massages that were for sale.

Middleton also advertised services on the Internet. A website gave details of female escorts, aged from 18 to their early forties, who were available for hire at £100 an hour and offered a variety of sex acts.

Girls called Carla, Reno and Tara were available from 11am to 11pm, and a male escort service was also on offer.

Clients could visit the so-called Fantasy Ranch above the shop, which were divided into individual fantasy rooms.

It was there most of the prostitutes plied their trade, though clients were warned some may not always be available because they had part-time jobs.

A call-out service was also provided to men who did not want to visit the premises.

Clients were able to book a girl up to midnight each day, provided they gave at least one hour's notice.

Visitors to the North Road shop were asked to ring a booking line advertised on the website and give half-an-hour's notice before they called round.

Those who wanted a massage, costing £20 to £35, were asked to call the Pleasure Zone shop to book.

Middleton went to great lengths to ensure the services were well advertised, and now that he has admitted his guilt, many will be left wondering how he thought he could get away with it.