A FREE internet service to help organic farmers buy or sell livestock, grazing and forage is being launched today by the Soil Association, in partnership with Scottish Enterprise and the Scottish Food and Drink organic action plan.

The Organic Marketplace, launched at today's Soil Association annual conference at Herriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, is open to all organic farmers, regardless of certification body.

It is accessible through the Soil Association web site at www.soilassociation.org/organicmarketplace

The service allows UK producers to register or acquire details of livestock, grazing and forage at any time. Producers can add their own entries and, once registered on-line, can delete or change information, to keep it up to date.

The ability to register or request details of livestock, grazing and forage through the Soil Association producer services department - which manually maintains the NOLD and NOFAG databases - remains available for those without access to the internet.