The ever popular Jolly Holly Jog 10k at Ripon on a cold, bright morning, provided an opportunity for Harriers to run off some of the Christmas excesses.

Martin Grainger of Darlington won the event and his time of 35.03 minutes reflects the hilly nature of the course. The ever-improving Oliver Harrison finished 27th in 40.48, Stewart Mechie 32nd in 40.59, Caroline Pollard 54th in 43.51, Alasdair Thorpe 58th in 44.04, Alan Somers 64th in 44.30, Steve Pollard 67th in 44.49, Alan Harman 85th in 46.03, Steve Harrison 99th in 47.11, Nicola Thorpe 144th in 51.38, Fiona Wilson 146th in 51.44, Ian Codling 150th in 52.02, Kaye Mechie 154th in 52.08, Sarah Somers 176th in 53.27and Marian Codling 251st in 63.42.

A big contingent of Harriers is expected to turn out on Sunday for the NYSD Cross Country League fixture at Whitby in the first of this year's Club Championship events.