PLANS to build a primary school and nursery on a greenfield site at Ingleby Barwick have come under fire from parish councillors and pressure groups.

Stockton Borough Council has submitted an outline planning application for a 630-place school and 39-place nursery, plus two sports pitches, on land south of the village.

The council planning committee is due to discuss the proposal at a meeting today.

Opposition has come from Ingleby Barwick Parish Council, Hilton Parish Council, the Thin End of the Wedge group and the Campaign to Protect Rural England, among others. The main concerns are the loss of green spaces in the village and the impact on traffic in the area.

A letter of objection from Hilton Parish Council said: "The proposal demonstrates a lack of foresight for education provision in Ingleby Barwick and represents an ill thought out and panic solution."

The CPRE conceded there was a need for another school, but argued that this should not be at the cost of losing green space.

Residents have called for the area to be left as a recreational facility and say there are more appropriate sites.

Stockton Council admitted the site was green wedge land, but said there was sufficient need to warrant the school being built.

A report to the planning committee said: "An investigation of alternative sites was undertaken and this was the only site that satisfied the key criteria in terms of size and location."