A PAIR of international chocolatiers visited Darlington College of Technology to help a group of chefs develop some a tasty ideas.

Idlo and Maureen Nicolello passed on their skills to a class of 30 students, made up of college students, as well as professional chefs and confectioners.

On the two-day course students were asked to produce a variety of creations, including a large chocolate castle and a chocolate-based winter scene.

Mr Nicolello, 68, moved to Britain from Italy when he was 19 and has made appearances on programmes including Blue Peter, Esther Rantzen and The Generation Game.

He said: "When working with chocolate it's important to use quality ingredients and get the temperature and general climate just right. Then it's a question of nursing the chocolate."

Gail Wilkinson, head chef at the White Swan Hotel in Middleham, attended the course. She said: "I've never really worked with chocolate before but I have always seen the potential in using it more.

"Now I've found out how chocolate works and am really surprised what can be done with it. It has been incredible working with a professional chocolatier to see how inventive he is."

The course is one of several designed to support the needs of local industry as the college catering department works attempts to gain Centre of Vocational Excellence status.

Head of catering Peter Bell said: "We have had a lot of people from the catering and tourism industry on the course. We are helping to ensure they have the skills to provide top-class services which will encourage visitors to come back. This way we can help support the local economy."