COUNCIL leaders have submitted a £1m-plus bid for Lottery cash to refurbish one of the region's leading arts venues.

Darlington Borough Council is hoping to learn by the end of the month whether it has been successful in its application for cash to revamp the town's Arts Centre.

The building, in Vane Terrace, is the area's focal point for exhibitions, music, lectures and other performances.

The local authority wants to improve facilities as part of a wide-ranging programme to enhance leisure service provisions.

Work has already started on a £500,000 scheme to upgrade the Dolphin Centre, and the council is advertising for consultants keen to carry out the Arts Centre work.

The entrance to the building would be given a new look, becoming a "social hub" with caf and art displays.

There would also be improvements to the theatre area, gallery space and better access for disabled people.

Published: 09/01/04