A FRIENDSHIP forged with the captain and crew of a tall ship led to the voyage of a lifetime for a group of coastguards.

Members of the Skinningrove coastguards have become regular visitors while the Grand Turk has been moored at Whitby, North Yorkshire, swapping information and stories about their way of life.

But the bond between the ship and the North Yorkshire crew is even stronger after the coastguards were invited to board the vessel for a short trip to Scarborough.

Skinningrove's deputy station officer Paul Waugh said: "It was absolutely amazing.

"There were people pipping the horns of their cars on their way to work, and leaning out of their windows to shout farewell as we left Whitby.

"Once we were out of the harbour, the ship felt very steady, despite the stiff breeze off the land.

"Although the wind direction prevented the captain from unfurling the sails, the sound of it in the rigging was fantastic."

The Grand Turk, which featured in the TV series Hornblower, will remain in the harbour long enough for the crew to enjoy the outcome of this weekend's football cup tie between Scarborough and Chelsea.

It will set off on a tour of European ports in March.