HUNDREDS of legal firms that failed to reveal whether or not they were unfairly charging former miners and their families for compensation claims, have been removed from the Government's approved list.

Last month, Nigel Griffiths, the minister responsible for coal health, wrote to 515 firms asking whether they were double-charging for processing claims and whether they would voluntarily repay the cash. The deadline for responses was passed last Friday and only 215 have written back, stating that they would not charge over and above what the Government pays in costs.

The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) said these firms would be retained on the approved list, leaving up to 300 others in the cold.

A 'handful' of firms have admitted double-charging and pledged to pay the cash back, said a DTI spokeswoman "We are disappointed so few firms responded. Those that did not are off the list, " she said.

Claimants double-charged have been advised to ask for their money back and, if necessary, to complain to the Law Society.

Anyone making a fresh claim before the March 31 deadline is advised to contact recommended solicitors, by calling free on (0800) 0282138.

Information is also available at www. dti. gov. uk/coalhealth