SNOW White and Spiderman, gangsters and gremlins helped primary school pupils spread their World Book Day celebrations over a week.

Pupils at St Cuthbert's RC Primary School, Crook, rounded off a busy programme of events yesterday by going to school dressed as their favourite characters.

Earlier in the week, professional writers joined them in the classroom to bring stories and poetry to life.

Chris Bostock shared tales from different cultures with pupils of all ages, including the nursery class.

Poet Wes Magee led reading and writing workshops with the older children, and on Thursday all children were presented with a book.

The literary theme was included in other lessons, including cookery, where pupils made gingerbread men biscuits and jam tarts. They made books and bookmarks, wrote reviews and painted pictures of favourite stories.

Headteacher Barbara Simpson said: "We set aside a whole week because reading is so important. The children enjoy reading but we don't think they read enough and we want to encourage them to read more."

The school is appealing for volunteers to visit to read to the children. For details call (01388) 762889.