A SCHOOL with 15 pupils has won a national award for producing an illustrated guide to the local countryside.

Forest-in-Teesdale School, in Upper Teesdale, has received a Heritage Stars Award for the Langdon Beck Story Walk project.

Four of the pupils and headteacher Carole Connolly will fly to London on Wednesday, to collect the £1,500 prize.

The youngsters worked with professional storyteller Malcolm Green to produce the guide, which describes a five- kilometre walk starting at Langdon Beck Youth Hostel.

The children helped research stories that appeared in the guide and learnt how to tell them to an audience. They also recalled their memories and tested the walk.

The guide was illustrated by artist David Hall.

Mrs Connolly said: "It is a worthwhile project because of the interaction between the children, as the youngest members of the community, and senior citizens, to generate the stories.

"As one of the smallest schools in the country we are thrilled to have done so well, and that the hard work and commitment of the children has been recognised."