COMMUNITY leaders on an estate where domestic violence accounts for the majority of assaults have pledged to tackle the problem.

PC Andy Gore, beat officer for the Firthmoor estate, in Darlington, told a community safety meeting he believed about 90 per cent of assaults there were domestic-related.

"There are not a lot of assaults on the estate, but if you look back through the crime figures most of them will be domestic. And I think a lot of it still goes unreported," he said.

The meeting's chairwoman, Councillor Lee Vasey, said awareness sessions about domestic violence should be held in the estate's community centre.

"I think it is something that we should consider," she said.

"It is a shame that people should be absolutely thumped to bits. People are not punchbags and should not be treated like they are."

Youth worker Rob Johnson said he carried out a project with youngsters on the estate about domestic violence after finding that some thought it was acceptable.

"Young people thought and believed, because of the situation they had seen in life, that it was all right for someone to hit someone," he said.

It was agreed that Mr Johnson would talk to youths on the estate about holding a domestic violence awareness event.

* Darlington Domestic Violence Forum will mark International Week Against Violence Towards Women next week. White ribbons to show support will be on sale in the Dolphin Centre, Cornmill Shopping Centre and at SureStart, in McNay Street.

Domestic violence victims in Darlington can call a confidential helpline on (01325) 364486 or visit