WALKERS who say a footpath on the edge of Northallerton is so neglected it has become dangerous have been advised to make the repairs themselves.

President of the Rotary Club of Northallerton Les Crelling has been leading the calls for repairs to the path between Lees Lane, in Romanby, and Howden Gate.

He has persuaded North Yorkshire County Council to carry out repairs on some sections of the lane, which was formed from a former road left behind when a new section of carriageway was built.

But he said other parts had deteriorated to such an extent they were dangerous.

He said: "Mostly, it is in good condition and only needs the edges trimming back to their original width, but the top bit is dangerous and needs to be renewed. This is a well-used path and is causing concern.''

County councillor for the ward Peter Brown has also taken up the issue with the authority, but said he has been unable to make much progress.

"The only solution left is for a band of willing volunteers to do the job," he said.

Divisional engineer Mike Roberts confirmed a lack of funding limited what the authority could do.

But he promised contractors would be asked to tackle the edges of the path as part of routine maintenance work in the summer to prevent further encroachment on the verges.