CAMPAIGNING cobbler Tony Martin has been given until the end of the month to leave his shop.

Mr Martin, who uses the window of his premises in Claypath, Durham, to criticise Durham city councillors and officials, has substantial rent arrears.

His landlord, the Durham Diocesan Board of Finance, had given him until yesterday to get out. But it has agreed to his request to postpone his departure until Sunday, March 28.

Mr Martin said this week that he would barricade himself in the shop if the board did not extend the deadline.

The shop has been a cobblers for 150 years, but has become a landmark because of the posters and documents displayed in the window.

Mr Martin, who believes he might owe the board £20,000 in arrears, is hoping the deadline extension will give him time to publish his book, Cobblers to the Council, and to find new premises.

He said: "I came in early and brought a sleeping bag, but I had a phone call saying that they would agree to me going on the 28th.

"It is what I wanted. They say a week is a long time in politics, and I have got three weeks. We are down but not out.

"I am hoping to get the book out on the 26th. As to where the business will be, I have irons in the fire.

"One person has told me he is interested in buying the block, and if he does, I can stay.''

Jonathan Cryer, secretary of the Diocesan Board, said: "He has been given an extension of time, until March 28, to complete the forfeiture of his lease.

"He requested the extension, and the board, which met yesterday, was prepared to accede to it. He was asking for time to sort out his affairs."

He added: "He has given me his word that he will leave on that date."