A CASUALTY department was closed when staff began feeling unwell after treating a man who had been squirted in the face with caustic chemicals, it was revealed yesterday.

The 25-year-old County Durham man was attacked outside a house in Surrey Crescent, Moorside, in Consett, Thursday night at about 7pm.

He was set on by a gang of teenagers, who beat him with a baseball bat and sprayed him with a corrosive liquid.

The man suffered nasty burns to the face, neck, mouth and throat from the fluid and bruising from the beating.

He was taken to University Hospital of North Durham, in Durham City, where staff complained of symptoms ranging from skin irritation to nausea and sickness.

Last night, police were trying to establish what the substance was by running tests.

After seeking advice on public health, the hospital's staff made the decision to close the accident and emergency department temporarily.

Medics had to shower and change their clothes to ensure they were not in contact with the chemical.

Several patients waiting to be treated were taken to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Gateshead while the unit was closed between 9pm and 11pm.

A hospital spokesman said: "A male patient doused in agricultural chemicals was brought into the department during the evening.

"Staff at the hospital sought public health advice.

"The decision was taken to close the department so that decontamination procedures could be carried out and to minimise any risk to the public or staff."

Consett detectives are investigating the attack. The youths responsible were in their late teens.

Detective Sergeant Vic Deans said he was anxious to speak to anyone who saw the attack. The motive is unclear.

Det Sgt Deans said: "The spray left the victim with some nasty injuries.

"Because we didn't know what we were dealing with, a hospital unit was closed and the street where the attack took place was sealed off to vehicles and pedestrians overnight."

The man was yesterday recovering in hospital and his condition was described as "satisfactory".

Anyone with information is asked to call Det Sgt Deans at Consett CID on (01207) 504 204 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.