THIS is a difficult show to review. It's appealing because Boy George is a good songwriter and much of the music and lyrics are his.

The singing is excellent, in particular Drew Jaymson as Philip Sallon, Stephen Ashfield as Boy George and Declan Bennett as Billy.

Having said that, the setting is the New Romantic gay scene of the 1980s and if this is an accurate portrayal of what it was like, I'm glad I missed it. The assumption that someone's sexuality is the only thing that's important is shallow and disturbing.

Mark Little's performance as the designer and artist Leigh Bowery could have been described as over the top, were it not for the fact that Bowery really was as extraordinary as Little portrays him, with his grotesque costumes and deliberately shocking make-up.

Stephen Ashfield captured the voice and movements of Boy George to a T, without conveying the innate sweetness the man seemed to have.

There's a lot of innuendo and double entendre, and I suppose some of it is quite amusing, but the characters are so desperate to shock that the whole thing is an uncomfortable experience.

* Taboo runs until Saturday. Box Office: (01325) 486555

Published: 11/03/2004